Farm & Garden Market

Sundays from 11am to 3pm

127 Hames Road, Corralitos, CA 95076
Open year-round
On Instagram at @corralitosfarmandgardenmarket

The Corralitos Farm and Garden Market is dedicated to providing the opportunity for local growers to provide fresh naturally grown fruits and vegetables as well as baked goods to the community. While it is a relatively small market, it  has been gradually growing over the past 15 years and growers have been bringing an increasingly diverse array of fresh produce as well as baked goods. 

Seasonally available fruits, vegetables, and baked goods include:


  • Citrus: Mandarins, oranges, lemons, limes, Indio mandarinquats, Makrut (Thai lime), calamondin

  • Avocados: Hass, Gem, Reed, Jan Boyce, Nabal, Koala, Pinkerton, Ettinger

  • Stone fruits: Peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots, apriums, pluots

  • Pears: Bartlett, Bosc, Comice, Warren and more

  • Apples: Pippin, Fuji, Mutsu, Brushy Mountain Limber Twig, Karmijn de Sonneville, Hudson’s Golden Gem, and more

  • Asian Pears

  • Varied/Exotic Fruits: Sapote, passion fruit, loquat, cherimoya, berries, Hachiya persimmons, Fuyu persimmons, figs, prickly pears


  • Brassicas: broccoli, broccolini, cauliflower, curly kale, lacinato kale, collard greens

  • Leafy greens: Salad mix, lettuce, chard, purslane, miner’s lettuce, stinging nettles

  • Squash: zucchini, crookneck, butternut, kabocha, chayote

  • Peppers: Bell, Poblano, Jalapeño

  • Alliums: Yellow onions, red onions, leeks, shallots,

  • Root crops: Carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, potatoes

  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, peas, asparagus, artichokes

Homemade Baked Goods (made in licensed CFO kitchens) 

  • Sweets: superfood cookies, brownies, lemon bars, walnut bars, cinnamon bars

  • Snacks: granola bites, nutribites

  • Bread: whole wheat bread, onion rolls, gluten-free flatbread

For current offerings please click through to a vendors website below.

A few of our weekly vendors:

  • Bobcat Ridge Avocados

    Seasonal fruits, vegetables, snacks, and baked goods. Visit our website for current offering or to order in advance.

  • Ocean to Mountain Soul

    Cookies, baked goods, honey, soups, vegetables.

  • Many Streams Farm

    Tree fruit, citrus, avocados, dried fruit, mushrooms

  • Bobby Baker

    Fresh baked every Sunday: Breads, Pies, Cakes, Cookies, both sweet and savory. Vegan choices available.

  • Wanda Lynn

    Rock in silver

  • Mae Feral

    Handmade ethically sourced sterling silver jewelry

  • Isabel's Craftabels

    Epoxy resin art

Want to setup a booth?

Our vendors pay a small fee to setup a booth. New vendors are accepted throughout the year.

  • Vendors pay a fee of $10 each week to sell at the Farm & Garden Market.

  • For more information on setting up a booth, visit the market on a Sunday and speak with Bob Johnson from Many Streams Farms (back left corner of the market).